Have Fun Reviewing with Rev-Party.


Rev-Party (Review Party) is a great tool for teachers and students, alike. Enter your own category, prompts, and responses and you're ready to review for that upcoming test! Add a projector and you've got a great tool for helping your students recall what you've taught them!

Rev-Party has been used in schools and churches from Longmont to Colorado Springs. It has been used to review for tests, upcoming competitions, and simply fun games to reinforce workbook sections. These review sessions are often accompanied by some simple excitement-enhancers like a pre-recorded introduction and flaslights shining around the room.


  • Enter your own "prompts" and "responses".
    This is the key feature that allows you as a teacher to enter the information you will have your students review during the game. These items are called "prompts" and "responses" for clarity, because in a similar TV game show, the answers are given to the contestants and the proper response is a question. However, in Rev-Party, the prompt can be a question or an answer, and the response can be either as well. There is no reasonable restriction on the prompts and responses -- if you need to review it, it can be entered into Rev-Party!
  • Auto-Scoring
    The score for each team is calculated by Rev-Party, is displayed between rounds, and can be displayed at any time from the menu.
  • Configurable Options
    Many aspects of Rev-Party are configurable. These include:
    • Number of teams
    • Team names
    • Whether the correct response is shown to contestants after the prompt has been answered (to help cement the response in students' mind.)
    • Whether the cheat-sheet is shown to the MC (teacher).
  • Cheat-Sheet
    When the projector/screen the contestants see is set up as a distinct monitor from another monitor on the same computer, the MC (teacher) is able to see the correct response on one screen while the prompt is on the other screen/projector for the contestants.
  • Unlimited Games
    Any number of 3-round games can be created and saved for use in future iterations of teaching the same material.


Rev-Party is available for purchase for $15 + $3 S&H (US Dollars) as follows:
To purchase online via PayPal, click here:
To purchase online via PayPal and receive a CD in the mail (with S&H charges), click here:

Note: If you choose no shipping, your order will be fulfilled via email. (Translation: If you don't pay us to mail it, we'll just email the software to you.)

To purchase offline via check, please email sales@kirschman.net with your name, address, and quantity. Our customer service representative will be happy to help you complete your order and send along your copies and licenses as soon as payment is received.

For information about the possibility of group, organization, or volume discount or for fundraisers, email sales@kirschman.net.


For Rev-Party support, visit the support section of this site.

The Main Selection Screen:

The Prompt and Response Screens: